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World Security Days

a Message from Boris Beauregard

Global Security and International Peace Operations Alliance

Never before in the history of the world, there has been such a need to respond effectively to critical events. In today’s complex world where the solutions to your security concerns are no longer straightforward, it is more difficult than ever to successfully protect interests against diverse and intricate dangers. Threats are constantly changing and require evolving solutions to meet the needs of various unique and culturally sensitive security situations. Crisis consulting practice provides insurance against new risks in international business and threats targeting the lifeblood of nations, their culture and economy.

Pressure on local commerce and the discharge of expendable segments of the workforce population in global business regimes produces accelerating income gaps and social tensions. Given world population trends and likely future developments, the focus of potential sources of unrest and targets of stability operations is on urban areas. Cultural peacekeeping is the answer against a chaos of individual interests and the dangers of social dissolution in consumer societies. This requires stressing and highlighting threats of enemies within or without. Diversity is good for business but deviance is dangerous for the psychological base of security and needs to be swiftly eliminated, if necessary by force. Territorial administration structures of the state serve as executive committees securing interests for a good investor business climate. General services administration (GSA) contracts for government approved lists of operations need to go beyond simple procedures to scare the hell out of someone since they become useless in an environment where levels of terror threats remain constantly high.

The peace and stability industry is committed to the needs of civilian or military forces for protection any time and any place. Special Operations professionals serve and support a concept and philosophy dedicated to promote strength locally, regionally, and worldwide - to foster a positive environment allowing business to flourish.


Recent Research Documents: Fact, Fiction and Rationality, Security Aesthetic = Systems Panic, Transforming Peace, Sicherheits-Kreativindustrie und Extraterrestrische Biopolitik, Von der Freiheit der Kunst zur Sicherheitskunst, Extraterrestrial Biopolitics and Creative Industries Security, Immaterial Civil War, Security Aesthetics from "Risk A", Triumph der Worte, Die neue Sicherheitskultur, Culture and 21st Century Risk Management, Bodies of Fear in a World of Threat, Safe Distance Transcript
